
3 Compelling Strategies For Your COO Resume

3 Compelling Strategies For Your COO Resume

If you’re targeting the position of COO, you’ve probably found writing your resume to be challenging… and at times a downright insurmountable challenge. You’ll need to demonstrate strategic thinking and executive perspective, yet combine the tactical details of an operational career into the document. How do you do that?

COO Resume Strategies

My article on writing a powerful and effective COO resume addresses this dilemma in in several ways. First of all, there’s no need to leave out the operational management skills that brought your career to this point. Instead, you’ll need to reframe them in a way Boards, CEOs, and executive recruiters can understand. Injecting visuals, such as an infographic or chart, into your COO resume can make a significant difference in how the information is conveyed in context. In addition, you’ll find the accolades of others to be a powerful tool in representing yourself at the COO level. Letters of reference, LinkedIn Recommendations, or even potent summaries from your performance reviews can play a strong part in conveying your personal brand. A compelling COO resume should also reflect the obstacles you’ve overcome in your career. Demonstrating problem-solving abilities and showing your willingness to step into complex situations requiring a solid grasp of general management, marketing, sales, cost savings, and/or controls are good things to include. You’ll also see samples of COO resumes that made the grade in diverse industries, providing visual examples of strong layout, content, and style. READ FULL ARTICLE ►

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